For more than half a century, we’ve been dedicated to excellence. Since setting up our first unit in 1962, we’ve been continuously investing in technological development, always putting prime quality products on our consumers’ tables.

We offer our clients the firm guarantee of Agrisol products’ quality and safety. Therefore, we have built an integrated structure of production, starting with compound food production, pigs and poultry raising, slaughtering, transportation and selling chicken meat.

To be always close to our clients, we developed our own network of retail outlets equipped with modern refrigeration facilities. Agrisol stores are always stocked with a wide variety of chicken products, fresh and frozen, available in multiple packaging options.

We believe in an active and balanced lifestyle. Therefore, we offer light and healthy products for everyday meals to our customers in Romania and elsewhere. Agrisol chicken are raised in a healthy environment and fed natural food.

– Media –

Minister Irimescu: Romania could supply the US market with pork

Agrisol owns eight poultry farms with a total of 136 halls of chickens. Farms are in a continuous process of modernization, fitted with latest model of feeding, watering, ventilation and heating systems.

Agrisol operates two hatcheries with the latest technology equipment, which provide superior quality products. Entire material needed by hatcheries is provided by four farms for heavy breeds. Nutritional balance is assured by the food produced in two combined fodder factories, following original recipes.

In maternity, pregnant sows and gilts litter and then nurse piglets for 27 days. Every week, 2,000 piglets are obtained. They are castrated at 7 days of age, applied specific treatments and immunizations and, at the age of 27 days, are weaned and transferred to the piglet sector. After weaning, around 1,950 piglets of each generation are obtained.